Branch documents to view/download/print

This is a page where you can access documents published by or relevant to the Branch

Further extension to NHS travel rates:

DL(2022)24 - Temporary Increase to NHS S[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [313.4 KB]

UNISON leaflet on fuel costs/heating bills

20063 - 220217 -_fuelcosts_landscape.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [3.0 MB]

Worrying about money?  Sources of advice and support in Highland and Argyll and Bute

Worrying about Money Highland A3 16.11.2[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [422.1 KB]
Argyll and Bute Leaflet.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [294.9 KB]

Branch Rules

20063 AGM Branch Rules.doc
Microsoft Word document [79.0 KB]

Staffing concerns and service pressures, November 2021


A new UNISON paper on this has been prepared, and shared with UNISON nationally, and senior management in NHS Highland, locally.  The paper (and appendices) is available below.

Microsoft Word document [25.7 KB]
Compressed archive in ZIP format [86.6 KB]

Christmas and New Year holidays

PCS(AFC)2021-4 - Christmas and NY at Wee[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [565.0 KB]
Concerns about safe staffing levels
This is becoming a live issue. We are looking at doing a members' survey on this as a Branch. Meantime however it's worth sharing again the UNISON leaflet/form on what to do in terms of raising concerns about safe staffing levels. Please please send a copy to the Branch if you submit a concern in this way. Email and postal addresses for this are on the website. Link to the form:

Meeting minute extract - staff concerns raised at the Systems Leadership Team on 5/8/21

Microsoft Word document [14.3 KB]

Pay offer Q&A

Pay Offer 2021-22 QandA.docx
Microsoft Word document [23.4 KB]

Agenda for Change initial pay rise backdates to 1/12/20:

JFLetter to Staff.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [160.5 KB]
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