NHS Pay Ballot
As you should now know, the pay ballot opened on 16 July, and closes on 14 August. UNISON is recommending
acceptance of the pay offer. If you have not already voted, please do so either by clicking on this web link, https://unison.tfaforms.net/41 or by phoning UNISON Direct on 0800 0857 857.
Scottish Health Awards
Nominations are now being accepted for this year's Scottish Health Awards. There are 17 categories - you can
nominate here: http://www.scottishhealthawards.com/
NHS 70th birthday
The Branch ran a number of events for members, with a number of cake/goodie bag stalls, and of course the members'
family fun day in Invergordon on 7 July. We got some great publicity for UNISON both in social media and in the local press. It's not too late if you fancy running an event with a
70th birthday cake in your ward/department. Please get in touch with the Branch if you would like to do something locally (tel 01463 715891 or email inverness.office@unison.co.uk) - we have freebies which we can make available for members/people wanting
to join UNISON.
Raigmore Dining Room proposed afternoon/evening closure
Management are about to conduct a consultation on the above - around the need for the dining room to break even
financially. This is a Scottish Government requirement, and there is no scope to vary prices charged either. They are proposing an enhancement of facilities in the coffee lounge and also
to extend the meals provided in the (front) coffee bar, at the same price as they would be in the dining room. This is not yet a done deal, so please have your say, if you have views about
this. If you want to contact us direct, please do so. Also, please get in touch if you are an affected member of staff with any concerns (tel 01463 715891 or email inverness.office@unison.co.uk).
The iMatter survey is now closed, but the next step is for team action plans to be prepared. This applies to
all staff who work in health and social care in both the Highland area, and in Argyll and Bute. You can do this whether or not your team got a report. If you want to make things better
where you work, please get in touch with your manager and ask when you will be getting together to produce your team action plan. If you have any problems, get back to us!
New Craigs
We have been contacted by the press with anonymous reports of concerns about staff shortages and the impact of this
on patient care. Please get in touch with UNISON if you share these concerns. We are very keen to support members and to ensure that any concerns are appropriately raised
and dealt with. We will also arrange some members' meetings at New Craigs so watch this space for details.
There For You (UNISON Welfare)
Members experiencing financial and emotional difficulties can contact our
welfare charity, There for You, which provides a confidential advice and support service for members and their dependants. More details are available online at https://www.unison.org.uk/get-help/services-support/there-for-you/. You can
contact There For You via the branch welfare officer (Simon Jack, tel 01463 706832) or email inverness.office@unison.co.uk.