Pay Campaign One Team 2k
Hopefully you will have seen on the website/social media, information about the UNISON campaign for a £2000 pay rise for
21/22. It's important that you ensure your details are up to date on our membership records, as this will be required for any forthcoming ballot (you can do this online at or by emailing Also
have a look at the pay campaign info, and join in with any letter-writing etc which UNISON is promoting.
The web page is here:
#OneTeam2K: NHS
pay rise campaign - UNISON Scotland (
We will also be keeping our own Facebook page and website updated with the latest information (addresses at foot of
Annual General Meetings (AGMs) - Thursday 4 March 2021 at 3.00 pm and 7.00
You will be aware by now that we have a special guest for the AGMs - Janey Godley! We hope this will definitely make you
want to attend! Please register for one of the meetings at 'Eventbrite' below (using the password UNISONhighlandhealth). The Teams link for the meetings were included in the AGM email
issued yesterday, and can also be obtained from Hope to see you there! ('Tickets' are free of charge of
To register for the meeting at 3.00 pm on Thursday 4 March, click
To register for the meeting at 7.00 pm on Thursday 4 March, click
Raigmore Breaks
We're hearing that staff at Raigmore (in particular, but maybe more generally?) are having problems taking breaks, due to the
busy-ness of the hospital at present. If this is affecting you (or if in fact you work at Raigmore and it's OK) we would like to hear from you. Please contact the Branch by
emailing or telephone 01463 715891 and leave a message for someone to call you back.
Vaccination Programme
As at 15 February, 87,968 people have received a first vaccination. This is 33% of the total age 18+ population. There are very high
uptake rates amongst the staff groups offered so far, such as those who work in care homes.
Staff Wellbeing Resources
Here is a super list/links of some of the resources available to support us in these very difficult and challenging times.
Do try and find the time to have a look/listen at some of these, whatever you think is most relevant.
Turas wellbeing resources: Psychosocial mental health and wellbeing support | Turas | Learn ( this resource
1) Taking Care of myself: Taking care of myself | Turas | Learn ( (a number of different resources
and apps for staff wellbeing as well as the Staff Wellbeing Planner)
2) Taking care of others: Taking care of
other people | Turas | Learn (
3) Taking Care of your Staff: Taking care of
your staff | Turas | Learn (
Responding to staff stress: Responding to stress experienced by hospital staff working with Covid-19 | The King's Fund
The psychological needs of healthcare staff: Psychological
needs of healthcare staff.pdf (
Another resource which has been pulled together is:
Staff Wellbeing during a pandemic: Staff
Wellbeing During a Pandemic & Beyond
NHS Highland internal communications survey - (available to NHS Highland employees on NHS
Please complete the survey link below and share
Branch Communications Officer