Added 28 November 2022
NHS pay ballot is now live, and closes 12 December. Please vote and make your voice heard
Added 24 November 2022
The Scottish Government has made a new NHS pay offer. Your negotiators believe this offer is a final offer and the best that can be achieved through negotiation.
Negotiations have been long and tough. But we believe we now have a final offer from the government.
UNISON Scotland’s health committee is recommending that you vote to accept this offer. Your ballot email will be sent to you on Monday 28 November.
We appreciate you have been asked to vote a few times over the past few months. However, UNISON is a democratic union. Our members make the decisions.
Added 14 July 2022
The NHS pay ballot is live. Please vote by 8 August. If you believe you should have received the ballot email but havent't, please contact the Inverness Office 01463715891 or
For more information about the pay campaign and the reasons for the UNISON REJECT recommendation, see below:
Added 23 June 2022
Added 15 June 2022
UNISON negotiators have now received a final offer from Scottish Government and NHS Employers on pay for 2022/23. (see detailed offer document below) The joint union position was to ask for an above inflation pay award and sought to look at other aspects of working in the NHS which have an impact on take home pay such as ensure banding outcomes reflect job content; reward additional hours fairly; prevent burnout by limiting excess hours; support progression and career development and encourage NHS Scotland employers to use recruitment & retention premia (RRP) to recruit and retain staff where shortages are a risk to staff wellbeing and quality of care. In a formal letter dated 14 June Scottish Government officials tabled an offer of: 1) £10.50 pay floor (minimum rate) for NHS workers in Scotland 2) 5% on all Agenda for Change pay grades, allowances and salaries. So what next UNISON will now consult with members across the NHS in Scotland. That process starts with the unions health activists from all NHS branches meeting 23 June where a process and timeline for consultation will be agreed. Speaking in advance Wilma Brown, Chair of Scottish Health Committee said, 'The offer does not meet our claim and is significantly less that the current level of inflation. Our members will want to know how some NHS staff can receive a rise worth £5,523 per year whist hard working domestics, porters, nursing assistants and others are only deemed to be worth £1,080 to help pay their bills. In responding to the offer UNISON have made it clear to Government that our members will be angry and are likely to reject the offer. Having received the employers final offer, we will now consult with members and I would urge our members to look out for information and ballot papers in the next few weeks.' What can you do? 1) TALK ABOUT PAY WITH YOUR COLLEAGUES 2) MAKE SURE YOUR CONTACT DETAILS ARE UP TO DATE - CALL 01463 715891 3) RECRUIT A FRIEND 4) LOOK OUT FOR THE UNISON BALLOT 5) CONTACT YOUR LOCAL BRANCH AND ASK THEM HOW YOU CAN HELP PUT NHS PAY RIGHT We'll be back in touch with an update following the 23 June meeting. DAWN MACDONALD UNISON Highland Healthcare Branch Secretary
Added 26 May 2022
NHS Pay latest
Added 12 May 2022
NHS Pay latest:
Added 4 May 2022
Raigmore parking - barriers going live 1/6/22. Staff parking areas are in yellow on the map. You need to get a parking permit, form available on the intranet, and this must be displayed.
Added 4 May 2022 - new mileage rates for NHS Scotland
Added 16 March 2022
Added 31 January 2022
Update on Band 2/Band 3 Nursing Assistants
Added 19 January 2022
Some great news about a successful group grievance on behalf of Bamnd 2 nursing assistant members.
Added 5 January 2022
Public holidays 2022-2023
NHS Highland (excluding Argyll & Bute):
Friday, 15th April 2022 (Good Friday)
Monday, 2nd May 2022 (Early May Bank Holiday)
Monday, 1st August 2022 (Summer Bank Holiday)
Friday, 14th October 2022 (Autumn Bank Holiday)
Monday, 26th December 2022 (Boxing Day)
Tuesday, 27th December 2022 (for Christmas Day – Sunday, 25th December 2022)
Monday, 2nd January 2023 (Public Holiday)
Tuesday, 3rd January 2023 (for New Year’s Day – Sunday, 1st January 2023)
Adult Social Care Adult Social Care (the transferred former Highland Council staff) have 7 fixed Public Holidays, plus 7 floating days which (in practice) are added to their Annual Leave.
Friday, 15th April 2022 (Good Friday)
Monday, 2nd May 2022 (Early May Bank Holiday)
Monday, 1st August 2022 (Summer Bank Holiday)
Monday, 26th December 2022 (Boxing Day)
Tuesday, 27th December 2022 (for Christmas Day – Sunday, 25th December 2022)
Monday, 2nd January 2023 (Public Holiday)
Tuesday, 3rd January 2023 (for New Year’s Day – Sunday, 1st January 2023)
For Argyll & Bute Body Corporate (Health & Social Care Staff):
Friday, 15th April 2022 (Good Friday)
Monday, 18th April 2022 (Easter Monday)
Monday, 2nd May 2022 (Early May Bank Holiday)
Monday, 26th September 2021 (Autumn Bank Holiday)
Monday, 26th December 2022 (Boxing Day)
Tuesday, 27th December 2022 (for Christmas Day – Sunday, 25th December 2022)
Monday, 2nd January 2023 (Public Holiday)
Tuesday, 3rd January 2023 (for New Year’s Day – Sunday, 1st January 2023
Added 18 May 2021
Pay negotiations updated information
Added 16 April 2021 Pay Ballot
Here is the information about the pay ballot and the link to vote if you have not received an email direct from UNISON
Added 13 April 2021 PAY OFFER
Short video about the pay offer and nex steps
Link to further information about the pay offer and ballot
Added 11 January 2021
New UNISON General Secretary elected
Added 1 December 2020
UNISON industrial action ballot called off in light of UNISON pay victory. See link below for more.
Added 26 November 2020
Added 7 August 2020
Health Pay Campaign 2020
UNISON has written to Jeane Freeman Cabinet Secretary for Health to outlined members’ feelings about this year’s pay award. We have called on the Scottish government to reopen this year’s pay deal with a view to agreeing an additional pay rise this year.
In order to secure a pay rise this year UNISON needs to demonstrate to the Scottish government, just how strongly members feel. We are therefore organising a campaign to get members to email their MSPs and the cabinet secretary.
There will also be a COVID safe demonstration on August 18th. Further details of the demo and materials for social media will follow as we build up to the event.
We are asking all members, family and friends to email ministers directly.
However there are some key points to remember:
• Identify yourself as a constituent
• Be polite and concise
• If writing, keep the letter or email brief but do enclose any relevant reports
• Ensure the information you provide is factually accurate
• Stick to one issue to avoid over burdening or confusing the receiver
• Be clear about what you are asking them to do
• Request a reply
• Make sure you include your name, address and telephone number in any correspondence
• Write in your own individual style, as personalised communications have more impact than standardised responses than circulars.
Who is my MSP?
Standard email to Jeane Freeman Cabinet Secretary for Health: ministerial email contact is:
Proposed email texts
Standard email to Jeane Freeman
I am writing to ask you meet with UNISON to agree an urgent pay rise for health staff.
I am a committed Job Title.
Like my colleagues, I do whatever it takes to keep the NHS delivering for the people of Scotland. I need you to understand how angry I am about the lack of a decent pay award this year. Health workers only received a pay increase of 2.95%. This was less than other public sector workers.
The reason we agreed to the pay deal three years ago was that it contained a clause that would allow us to come back to the table if things changed.
This pandemic is a change, but claps and thanks won’t pay my bills.
We have lived through years of austerity, pay freezes and rising bills. My money runs out earlier each month. I need a pay rise that begins to reduce the real pay cuts that I have experienced.
COVID19 crisis highlights how crucial our service is and how much people value the work we do. We were essential workers before COVID19 and we will be essential workers long after this crisis has passed.
We need action from the Scottish government on pay, to back up the thanks, warm words and clapping.
Please organise an urgent meeting with UNISON to agree a proper pay rise for health workers this year.
Sign off with your Name, job Role address etc
Standard email to SNP MSPs
As a constituent and health worker I am contacting you as an MSP of the party of government asking you to support UNISON’s call for reopening of talks on this year’s pay deal. I want you to ask the Cabinet Secretary for Health to meet with UNISON to sort out an urgent pay rise for health staff.
I am a committed Job Title.
Like my colleagues, I do whatever it takes to keep the NHS delivering for the people of Scotland. I need you to understand how angry I am about the lack of a decent pay award this year. Health workers only received a pay increase of 2.95%. This was less than other public sector workers.
The reason we agreed to the pay deal three years ago was that it contained a clause that would allow us to come back to the table if things changed.
This pandemic is a change, but claps and thanks won’t pay my bills.
We have lived through years of austerity, pay freezes and rising bills. My money runs out earlier each month. I need a pay rise that begins to reduce the real pay cuts that I have experienced.
COVID19 crisis highlights how crucial our service is and how much people value the work we do. We were essential workers before COVID19 and we will be essential workers long after this crisis has passed.
We need action from the Scottish government on pay, to back up the thanks, warm words and clapping.
Please urge the Cabinet Secretary to meet with UNISON to agree a proper pay rise for health workers this year.
Sign off with your Name, job Role address etc
Standard email other MSPs
As a constituent and health worker I am contacting you asking for your support for UNISON’s call for a pay rise for health workers this year.
I am a committed Job Title.
Like my colleagues, I do whatever it takes to keep the NHS delivering for the people of Scotland. I need you to understand how angry I am about the lack of a decent pay award this year. Health workers only received a pay increase of 2.95%. This was less than other public sector workers.
The reason we agreed to the pay deal three years ago was that it contained a clause that would allow us to come back to the table if things changed.
This pandemic is a change, but claps and thanks won’t pay my bills.
We have lived through years of austerity, pay freezes and rising bills. My money runs out earlier each month. I need a pay rise that begins to reduce the real pay cuts that I have experienced.
COVID19 crisis highlights how crucial our service is and how much people value the work we do. We were essential workers before COVID19 and we will be essential workers long after this crisis has passed.
We need action from the Scottish government on pay, to back up the thanks, warm words and clapping.
Please call on the Scottish Government to meet with UNISON to agree a proper pay rise for health workers this year.
Sign off with your Name, job Role address etc
In order for us to get an idea of how well the campaign is going it would be helpful to ask members to either blind copy or forward any emails sent to the branch
Added 2 July 2020
Increased use of facemasks by NHS staff:
The following is guidance from the Chief Medical Officer and the Chief Nursing Officer (23 June):
"It is now recommended that staff working in a clinical area of an acute adult (incl. mental health) or community hospital or in an care home for the elderly should wear a medical face mask at all times throughout their shift. In relation to care homes , it is expected that this advice will be relevant in the first place to care homes for adults and older people. "Extended" in this regard means that a medical face mask will be worn throughout the shift, but the face mask can be removed and replaced as necessary (washing your hands before the mask is removed), and as recommended during the shift, including e.g. if it becomes contaminated, damaged or moist"
Further guidance on this will be circulated in the next few days. If you feel that this is not being applied in your workplace, please contact the Branch
Added 1 May 2020
NHS Highland Employee Assistance Programme
Added 26 February 2020
Added 10 January 2020
NHS Highland is developing a new "Our Culture Commitments" charter as part of the response to the Sturrock report etc. We will circulate this to members for comment. An updated action plan is also being developed and we will be asking how members can be involved in shaping this. look out for direct member communications on these issues (or contact the Branch if interested).
Added 8 November 2019
New Branch Twitter account now active. Do follow/re-tweet etc. It's available here:
Added 1 August 2019
UNISON Highland Healthcare Branch welcomes and accepts the Sturrock report and its findings, and is now look-ing to NHS Highland for full implementation. We welcome the fact that a "Draft 1" action plan in response has been prepared by NHS Highland, and that this has been widely circulated. We note roadshows and focus groups are being planned for staff, and we would recommend to all members that you consider going along to your local event to have your say.
This situation gives us some significant opportunities to change things for the better, and our own Branch action to further support members will include:
All UNISON reps will be re-trained in supporting members who may feel they have been bullied.
Other training will be offered to members to learn about how to recognise and raise issues about inappro-priate behaviour. If there is to be a culture change in NHS Highland, this involves all of us.
UNISON will hold NHS Highland to account in delivering the action plan.
We will clarify our position on the issues around whether compensation should be paid, whether historic cases should be re-opened, etc. This is a complex area and will need to involve both discussions at a national level, staffside discussion locally, and negotiation with NHS Highland. We will keep you informed of develop-ments.
We will offer UNISON meetings for you to attend and contribute your views to the overall debate. Please come along if you can. We will publicise these meetings through a variety of channels of communication.
We will write to all members asking for interest in becoming more active in the Branch – in a range of ways. UNISON is a member-led union and the Branch always welcomes new input.
This is an initial response and the position will develop further.
Janette McQuiston, Branch Secretary
Added 31 July 2019
Lots of things have been happening recently, and while we've been updating the Facebook page pretty much daily, teh website has fallen behind slightly! However, we're trying to address that. See below latest article on the NHS Highland "Culture Fit for the Future" action plan:
You should by now be aware of the NHS Highland (Draft 1.0) action plan in response to the Sturrock re-port, which was circulated to all staff by email by the Chief Executive, on 7 June. If you have missed this, and would like a copy, please contact the Branch. We can send this by email or on paper.
So, what does it say in the action plan?
The Action Plan is structured around 5 themes:
Communications & Engagement
Human Resource (HR) Processes
Organisation and Workforce Development (OD)
Support for Staff
It takes in both the many "proposals" of the Sturrock report, and also other work (which UNISON was key to) which took place after the allegations were origi-nally made public (end September last year) and the publication of the Sturrock report (May ’19).
It is described as: "A first step in addressing the proposals highlighted in the aforementioned reports. The intention now is to build upon and enhance this plan with ongoing positive engagement with staff and stakeholders".
This means you! NHS Highland will arrange various activities that staff can contribute to and be involved in, such as executive "roadshows" and staff focus groups. Please look out for these happening in your area, and go along if you can. We will publicise these to mem-bers as we get the information. We (UNISON) are also organising our own programme of meetings for members.
There are a very large number of actions identified in the plan – too many to summarise here. Actions are divided into short, medium and longer term. We’ve picked just one action from each of the "themes" which might be of interest to UNISON members (quoting from the plan):
Leadership Roadshow - Employee Engagement Ses-sions: Roadshows to take place across the whole or-ganisation led by the Chief Executive and/or Senior Leadership Team and Non-Executive Directors. The aim will be to discuss the Sturrock Report and shape the Action Plan going forward with input from staff. This will reinforce NHS Highland’s values and our commitment to provide opportunities for staff to en-gage with important issues.
Outcome - Staff will feel included and engaged in the development of the Action Plan and understand NHS Highland’s commitment to creating a healthy, positive culture. Visible leadership of Chief Executive, Senior Leadership Team and Board.
HR processes:
Resolving concerns using informal processes: Sup-ported by Once for Scotland policies, promote and encourage the appropriate use of informal methods such as mediation, pastoral care, group facilitation and coaching to managers and staff.
Outcome - Increased use of informal processes to bring about resolution at an early stage and reduced requirement for formal processes.
Organisational Development:
Values: Review organisation’s published values and where appropriate refresh, ensuring staff engagement in their development and adoption to ensure the or-ganisation’s values are clearly aligned to NHS Scotland.
Outcome - Refreshed values adopted throughout the organisation.
Staff support:
Mediation: Access to mediation is required as a pre-ventative and restorative measure providing a safe space for people to talk. This is essential for both those perceived as 'victims' as well as those perceived as 'perpetrators' for healing to occur.
Outcome - A fully established and resourced mediation service to be available at an early stage to avoid formal processes.
Board Training: A formal induction and ongoing train-ing programme for both Executive and Non-Executive Board members, developed and implemented to re-build confidence and provide more support in their role and better connection with organisational purpose and cultural ethos.
Outcome - Board members provided with induction and ongoing training and more confident in fulfilling their role.
So – lots to do, and we want you involved!
Do have a look at the plan, and we’d be keen to hear from you either face-to-face or by email/telephone. Please contact the Branch if you have anything you would like to share, or if you need support/advice.
Added 30 January 2019
UNISON Evidence to QC Review of NHS Highland Culture
It goes without saying that UNISON’s position is that any bullying/intimidatory behaviour, whoever this may be perpetrated by, is unacceptable and needs to be dealt with promptly, fairly, consistently, and at an appropriate level.
UNISON has raised concerns about bullying behaviour periodically over a number of years. Our perspective would be that bullying can be perpetrated by managers, colleagues, other professional, or subordinate staff.
There are some areas (and instances) where such behaviour has been a problem.
Equally there are many members who do not report bullying behaviour.
We welcome the external review of NHS Highland culture, and look forward to working with management and other trade unions in considering and implementing any actions which the review will recommend. We have encouraged our members, on a number of occasions, to make contact with the review direct, if they wish to do so. Our motivation is to improve the working experience for our members and, as appropriate, support them to raise concerns if necessary. We believe that this is best achieved through partnership working with management, and other trade unions. The staffside structure up to and including the role of Employee Director, governance committees, and informal routes of influence and joint working, offer the appropriate mechanisms for this. We understand that there are some perceptions that these structures are not effective. We do not necessarily share this view, but will certainly listen to any recommendations there may be in this regard.
Other specific issues we would wish to raise are as follows:
1. We believe that HR processes in dealing with formal employment relations matters are not working effectively, and often take too long. This includes some concerns about the use and length of suspensions, and the outcomes of some investigation processes.
2. Management training is an issue. The evidence is that bullying complaints are best dealt with at an informal level, if possible. The quickest and most informal level would be a discussion with your manager, with appropriate, proportionate, swift response. This does not always happen, therefore issues either “fester” without resolution, and/or escalate to formal process
3. Capacity to deal with formal complaints within a reasonable timescale is an issue. Capacity and/or the organisational priority placed on employment relations processes (including bullying/harassment) by NHS Highland. An option to address this could be the consideration of appointment of a dedicated team to carry out investigations, even if perhaps as a fixed-term measure to deal with current (very long) timescales.
4. There seems to be (on occasion) a different level of accountability for managers and staff. This inconsistency needs to be addressed.
5. It would be useful to have agreed, and further, clarity on the role of HR – whether these staff are there to “support management” or whether they are there to provide impartial, balanced, advice to all staff. This may contribute to a loss of confidence in HR staff which has been evidenced in some quarters.
6. We are not aware of any process in place to learn (in partnership) from previous formal cases. We would welcome a mechanism similar to that of the Significant Event Review to constructively consider, in particular, lengthy/complex cases to see what we can collectively learn from these to do differently going forward
7. There is no practice of “joining the dots” where (for example) a number of (different, individual) cases are raised within a department. Also linking to other indicators such as sickness absence, turnover, etc.
8. We consider that the current (unprecedented) financial situation in NHS Highland may well have contributed to increased pressure on staff (including managers) which may have contributed to actual, or perceptions of, bullying behaviour. Staff, at all levels, need support with this, and clear leadership, to challenge and change this culture going forward.
9. We are interested in the idea (being explored in a small way) of “mental health first aiders” and feel that we would like to contribute to/develop this further. It is inevitable that there will be significant numbers of staff experiencing mental health issues, and this may also contribute to the overall picture.
10. We are concerned at the impact on patient/public confidence that the media “storm” around these issues has caused, and this will require to be carefully rebuilt accordingly.
11. We also have concerns about the approach and behaviour of another trade union. There are also some individual concerns from staff along the lines of “is my name on the list, if so where is my right to defend myself” etc.
12. We broadly support the outcomes and recommendations of the external HR review commissioned by NHS Highland, and are already working to implement these.
As stated above, we look forward to the outcome of the external review, and to working with management and trade union colleagues to implement the recommendations.
Janette McQuiston, UNISON Branch Secretary, Highland Healthcare, January 2019.
Added 28 November 2018
Information on EU Settlement Scheme
I am writing to tell you about the Home Office pilot of the EU Settlement Scheme taking place from 29 November 2018 and how those eligible can apply in this pilot phase.
What is the EU Settlement Scheme?
In advance of the UK’s exit from the EU on 29 March 2019, the UK government has committed to protect the rights of EU citizens and their family members currently living in the UK. This includes the right to live here, work here and access public services such as healthcare and benefits. To retain these rights after 31 December 2020, EU citizens must apply for UK immigration status under the EU Settlement Scheme. Further detail on the Settlement Scheme can be found on GOV.UK.
What is the pilot?
The Home Office is testing the EU Settlement Scheme through a series of pilots ahead of the public launch. This second phase of the pilot starts in November and runs until 21 December this year. This covers employees in the higher education and health and social care sectors. A briefing pack containing an overview of the pilot, who is eligible and how the application will work is available here.
This pilot is testing the application process that EU citizens and their family members will use when the scheme opens fully next year. Feedback about your experience will be used to make improvements to the process before the Scheme fully launches to the public by 30 March 2019.
Who is eligible?
You will only be able to take part in the pilot if you are working in the health and social care sector, and you are:
an EU citizen and have a valid biometric passport (this is an e-passport which has a digital chip); or
a non-EU family member of an EU citizen and have a biometric residence card with ‘EU Right to Reside’ on the back, which you applied for on or after 6 April 2015
Irish citizens enjoy a right of residence in the UK that is not reliant on the UK’s membership of the EU. They will not be required to apply for status under the EU Settlement Scheme, but may do so if they wish. For more information on who can apply to this pilot, visit GOV.UK.
If you are eligible to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme pilot you will need to complete a short and simple online application form to:
prove your identity;
show that you live in the UK; and
declare any serious criminal convictions.
Application process during the pilot:
This phase of the pilot goes live on 29 November and the link to start your application will be made available from this date. We will send you an email containing the link to complete your application when the pilot goes live.
To apply for status under the EU Settlement Scheme you will need to complete an online application:
Verify your identity - You will need to have a valid biometric passport or biometric residence card (issued by the Home Office) to apply in this pilot. All applicants must use the EU Exit: ID Document Check app to verify their identity. This is currently only available to download on Android devices - an easy way to check if your device can use this app, is if your device has the technology to make contactless payments. A guide to using the app can be found here. If you cannot access this app during the pilot, there will be alternative ways for you to verify your identity once the scheme opens fully next year. After using the app to verify your identity, you can complete the rest of the application either on that device or on any smartphone, laptop or computer.
Criminality check - You will need to complete the criminality check by declaring any criminal convictions. Only serious or persistent criminality will affect your application. This should not affect the vast majority of EU citizens and their family members.
Verify your residence in the UK - You will need to provide evidence of your residence in the UK. There are a number of ways you can do this. The easiest is to provide your National Insurance number. The Home Office will then check UK tax and certain benefits data and use those records to help work out how long you have been resident in the UK. You’ll get a result of this check straightaway. If you agree with the result, you can accept it and complete your application. If you disagree, this is not a problem, as you will be able to upload additional evidence of your residence. Information on the other types of evidence you can upload can be found on GOV.UK. Alternatively, if you have a valid permanent residence document or valid indefinite leave to enter or remain, you will just need to provide proof of that status.
Pay any application fee – An application costs £65 for those aged 16 or over, but is free if you have a valid permanent residence document or valid indefinite leave to enter or remain.
Please note that making an application in this pilot is entirely voluntary. There will be no change to your current rights under EU law until the end of the planned implementation period on 31 December 2020. If you choose not to apply during this phase you will be able to apply once the scheme is fully open by 30 March 2019 and at any time up until 30 June 2021.
For any questions about an application made during the pilot, contact the EU Settlement Scheme Resolution Centre by calling 0300 123 7379 (inside the UK) or +44 (0) 203 080 0010 (outside the UK). Find out about call charges on You can also ask a question using the online submissions form
Further details on the pilot and how to make an application will be circulated shortly.
Added 26 October 2018
Since the media storm broke, UNISON has been beavering away to make contact with members and also to seek answers
from NHS Highland. We believe this action is more important than chasing headlines, or 'shouting' at each other through the media (although we have made media comments on a number of occasions as
We thought it would be useful for us to get in touch with the most important people - you, the members - direct to
bring you up to date with some of what has been happening and what the Branch has been doing on your behalf.
Some of our actions so far have been:
· Communicating direct with members - and receiving some very useful feedback. This is currently being collated and we will be preparing a report on our findings
from what you have told us, please be assured all feedback is treated as confidential and anonymised
· Arranging a number of members' meetings - again so Branch reps can speak to members direct, rather than us second-guessing what you might be thinking about
this situation. Of course in life there are few things which are black and white, and members have expressed to us a lot of different views, both positive and negative, about working in NHS Highland.
We remain keen to hear any thoughts you may have about the situation. These meetings are ongoing. If you would like one in your workplace, please contact the Branch (details
· Co-ordinating a joint Staffside statement with colleagues in other unions (not including the GMB, who declined to sign up to the statement). This was issued
via an all-user email in NHS Highland on 8 October. If you haven't seen this and would like to, please get in touch
· Arranging and facilitating a staffside meeting with senior managers/Board members, which took place on 15 October. Following on from this, it was agreed that a
joint steering group would be established to look at the information being gathered, both historic and current, and start to consider plans and proposals for moving forward. This group will then also
work with whatever external support is identified for NHS Highland by Scottish Government. We will also strongly represent members' interests in this
· We have been invited (along with other trade union colleagues) to meet with the Scottish Government direct (without NHS Highland Board involvement) and at this
point it looks like this meeting will take place on 19 November. We will update you further after this
· The Branch has also raised concerns with the Scottish Partnership Forum with regard to some of the HR processes in NHS Highland and some significant delays in
these (including relating to concerns about bullying). We are meeting with management on these issues on 7 November. At this point this is a UNISON-only initiative.
We hope that you will agree that UNISON's response has been proportionate and appropriate. We need to recognise the
wide spectrum of views here, and also ensure that those who have felt, or are feeling, bullied are appropriately and swiftly supported to raise concerns and have these addressed.
We're still keen to hear from members with any thoughts, either positive or negative, about the situation. You can
contact the Branch on 01463 715891 or by email at
We will also provide further updates as required, in particular relating to the steering group and the Scottish
Government meeting referred to above. Keep an eye on the website and Facebook page also.
Janette McQuiston, Branch Secretary
Added 24 October 2018
The Branch has been in touch with members, but we will shortly be contacting memebrs direct with an update on the situation regarding the bullying allegations in NHS Highland. We know that some members have experiencing bullying, and need support in taking these concerns forward. We have repeatedly stated UNISON's view that bullying is unacceptable in any form, The Branch is also in touch with the employer and with the Scottish Government on these issues. Check back for the update in the next few days.
Meantime. NHS Highland's latest statement can be found here:
Added 17 August 2018
Details of the pay deal accepted by UNISON members:
All NHS Scotland staff earning under £80,000 to receive a 3% pay increase backdated to April 1, 2018, with a payment of £1600 for staff earning more than £80,000
The top of all pay scales to rise by 9% over the lifetime of the three-year deal (including 2018) or £1600 per annum for scales above £80,000
Larger increments and faster progression for staff in post, but not yet at the top of their pay band – worth between 11.3% and 27.7%
Removal of band overlaps to ensure promotion comes with a proper pay rise and to lessen the risk of equal pay challenges
Big improvements in starting salaries to help the NHS attract and retain new staff
Applies to all NHS contractor staff
Added 17 August 2018
UNISON Press Release
UNISON calls on Scottish Government to devolve trade union pay negotiations
Embargoed Friday 17 at 10.15am
UNISON, Scotland’s biggest health union, is calling on the Scottish Government to set up formal structures to negotiate direct with NHS unions in Scotland and officially leave the UK’s NHS Pay Review Body.
The call comes after NHS members voted to accept a new three year pay deal direct with the Scottish Government after years of being given 1% pay rises from through UK’s NHS Pay Review Body. This is the first year this has happened.
The UK’s NHS Pay Review Body negotiates with health unions on pay on behalf of the NHS across the UK. UNISON members do not believe that the NHS Pay Review Body listens to their concerns. It has been calling on the Scottish government to set up pay negotiating structures directly with unions on pay and conditions in Scotland.
Tom Waterson, Chair of the UNISON Health Committee said: "Today I am pleased to announce that 94% of UNISON members have voted to accept a pay deal which will put an additional £400m on the pay bill, delivering real increases of between 3 and 27% for NHS workers in Scotland. This deal and it’s strong endorsement by members makes it clear that we do not need to wait cap in hand for the Pay Review Body and that the institution as it stands is dead in the water. Eighteen months ago some people said that we couldn’t negotiate a pay deal for NHS workers in Scotland. Then they said that we couldn’t negotiate a better deal for Scotland. The Scottish Government should commit now to develop negotiating structures in Scotland and allow us to self determine on pay."
UNISON Head of Health for UNISON Scotland Matt McLaughlin said, "This is a good result for UNISON members and I am happy that across Scotland we reached out to and engaged with the vast majority of our members. Their decision is a ringing endorsement of the offer."
Notes for editors:
UNISON was the only major union in NHS Scotland to recommend the deal to members and has engaged in a month long consultation process across Scotland.
The union consulted almost 60,000 NHS workers in Scotland in a four week ballot.
Added 27 July 2018
As (for example) a registered nurse or midwife, under The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Code you have a number of responsibilities to act on concerns where you believe actions or situations are putting people at potential or actual risk. The NMC has produced a publication Raising Concerns: Guidance for Nurses and Midwives (2013). Although health care assistants and assistant practitioners do not work under The Code, the RCN and UNISON would support any health care assistant who wished to raise concerns regarding staffing levels.
RCN and UNISON publications for more information can be found at:
This guidance note was developed in partnership by:
Margaret MacRae (RCN)
Anne Campbell (UNISON)
Added 16 July 2018
NHS Pay Ballot - UNISON Scotland's ballot on the pay deal opens today. You will receive an email at about 11am this morning telling you about how to vote. UNISON is recommending acceptance of the offer. Please use your vote. For those without an email address in the UNISON system, we will contact you to advise how you can vote, prefereably online, but alternatively by telephone.
PS This is a NO STRINGS deal, there are NO changes to your terms and conditions.
Added 12 July 2018
Pre Retirement
2 day course in Inverness
Dates: 2 August & 6 September
Time: 10am – 4pm
Are you over 50? Thinking of retiring or getting back into work or simply looking to make a positive change in your life? Then this course is for you. Throughout the session we will explore key themes around life transitions, the opportunities as well as the challenges. We will learn practices in mindfulness, relaxation, wellbeing and creative reflection to
*Increase quality of life and satisfaction
*Improve self-esteem and sense of purpose
*Reduce stress, anxiety, pain and social isolation
*Improve mental capacity and concentration
*Encourage overall relaxation and enjoyment.
With Margot Henderson
This workshop is fully funded and open to all staff.
If you wish to book a place please contact Marta Chaba, UNISON Lifelong Learning Organiser 01463 723968
Added 4 July 2018
Article from the Inverness Courier
Added 4 July 2018
Details of the NHS Scotland pay offer here:
Added 13 June 2018
English NHS pay deal agreed
Added 1 June 2018
At the time of writing we haven’t yet heard about when this will be paid. Members need to be aware, though, that UNISON is the ONLY union arguing that the 3% pay rise should be paid (on account) now.
ALL other unions feel that we can wait for a pay rise. UNISON submitted a claim for a separate Scottish pay rise (3.9%). We know that members are suffering now - so are continuing our
call to the Scottish Government to pay up now! Some other unions are claiming various things about pay. You need to know that UNISON is leading the way on this, on behalf of you our
members, and we expect some positive news on this very soon.
Added 1 June 2018
We are delighted to advise that Highland Healthcare Branch of UNISON is the first UNISON branch in Scotland to gain sign-up to UNISON’s Apprenticeship Charter. NHS Highland were in full support of this.
Dawne Bloodworth, HR Director, confirmed today that NHS Highland are happy to sign up to UNISON’s Apprenticeship Charter. Dawne said:
“The Charter promotes exactly the kind of things NHS Highland is looking to do; to enable increased permanent recruitment of, and support for, apprentices in Health and Social Care in the Highlands. We are keen to work with UNISON and other partner trade unions to increase the numbers of apprentices recruited and to make sure they are supported and developed through their apprenticeships.”
Janette McQuiston, UNISON Branch Secretary, said:
“We welcome NHS Highland’s support for UNISON’s Apprenticeship Charter, and we look forward to working with the employer and other trade union colleagues to turn these promises into reality”.
The Charter provides important guarantees to apprentices, including payment at the right rate for the job, and a job guarantee on completion of their apprenticeship.
Added 12 March 2018
A story has appeared in the press about an impending pay deal for NHS staff.
UNISON has been leading these pay talks since December and yes, we are very close to a final position which we can put to our members for consideration.
However, the details in the article are incomplete, unconfirmed and inaccurate in part. I don’t know what the motivation is for leaking this story, but the real consequences could either be to scupper the chances of health workers getting a decent deal or to prevent the NHS trade unions being able to present the final position to the media ourselves on behalf of you, our members.
Either way, spreading incomplete information is unhelpful.
I will be working really hard this weekend to finalise the details of the proposed package and – more importantly – keep the pressure on the government to confirm the funding so that we can finish the talks and get the final details to you.
I want to reassure you that you will not be asked to make any decisions until you have the full picture about how any proposals will affect you.
Sara Gorton
Head of Health, UNISON
Unison health
Added 23 January 2018
I would like to draw your attention to courses available to UNISON members (free of charge) in forthcoming
Dates/Times |
Course |
Location |
5 February |
Emergency First Aid at Work (accredited) |
Inverness |
6 February |
PC Passport - Intermediate Level |
Invergordon |
7 February |
Pre-Retirement 'The Best is yet to come' (This course will focus on
wellbeing) |
Inverness |
13 -14 February |
Mental Health First Aid |
Inverness |
17 April |
Microsoft Computer Skills (Excel) |
Inverness |
18 April |
Computer and Online Basic SCQF Level3 |
Fort William |
9.00am - 2.00 pm on the following dates: |
Computer and Online Basic SCQF Level3 |
Oban |
23 April |
Mental Health Awareness (Open University) |
Oban |
24 April |
Mental Health Awareness (Open University) |
Oban |
26 April |
Dealing with clients displaying challenging behaviour |
Invergordon |
9.00 am - 1.00 pm on the following dates: |
Microsoft Computer Skills (Excel) |
Invergordon |
29 May |
SSSC Awareness Workshop |
Oban |
29 May |
SSSC Awareness Workshop |
Oban |
30 May |
Get that job |
Inverness |
5 June |
SSSC Awareness Workshop |
Inverness |
7 June |
Suicide First Aid |
Invergordon |
If you wish to attend any of these courses please email Marta Chaba at or text/phone 07950 889765. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served
In addition, we would like to find out what you would like to learn in 2018. In order to have the courses of
your choice run in your location please click on the following survey SURVEY and complete. It can be returned by email to or
by post to Freepost RTKC-TYHR-SYAA, UNISON, 53 Shore Street, Inverness, IV1 1NF.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards,
Regional Learning and Development Organiser
53 Shore Street
New text box >>
Added 5 December 2017
UNISON There for You - Winter Fuel Grants 2017-2018
Worried about paying your Winter Fuel Bill?
Get help staying warm this winter
With rising fuel costs and another cold winter many members are worried about how they're going to pay this year's
winter fuel bills.
Help is on hand
'There for You' has set up a limited fund to help UNISON members on low income by way of a one-off payment of up to
To apply click on the following application form Application Form. There is also a Question & Answer document, please click here Q & A Document.
Added 5 December 2017
UNISON Scotland pay campaign Christmas Cards are being signed by members urging the Scottish Government to give all public service employees a decent pay rise. The cards will be presented to MSPs at an event in Edinburgh on 20 December at the Scottish Parliament. The previous campaign “Scrap the Cap” to have the 1% pay cap scrapped was very successful and the Scottish Government have now scrapped the cap. Health branches held demonstrations at the majority of NHSS Annual Review meetings and lobbied the Ministers who were in attendance. Our branch attended the review at the end of August in Aviemore and we were able to lobby the minister on the day.
We are now asking for a 3.9% pay rise across the NHS PLUS £800 to start to recoup the losses of the last decade as well as introducing a Living Wage for students.
The next campaign will probably be around February next year so look out for that.
Added 20 September 2017
UNISON has determined that it's full steam ahead on SCRAP THE CAP/PAY UP NOW. The goal is to make it the
BIGGEST UNISON Scotland demo since the pensions dispute of November 2011.
Please come to this march and rally, to support UNISON's campaign for your pay. There will be much to
entertain families and to inspire those battling for INFLATION PLUS pay rises for you, our hard-pressed public servants.
This is an all Branch, all sector, all member event. Of course pay in the public sector impacts on pay in
private/independent sector organisations, so even if you don't work in the NHS, this is your fight too!
UNISON in the North will be looking at organising transport on the day, so keep an eye on the usual routes of
communication, where we will be letting you know what's happening. Keep an eye on the UNISON Scotland website too ( Let's see if we can have a really good Highland turnout for this major event!
Check back here regularly to find out what's going on at UNISON, in the NHS in Highland, and adult social care .
Added 11 August 2017
Note Change of time for event in Aviemore - now 0800 on 31/8 due to change in ministerial schedule for the day. All other info below correct.
Added 9 August 2017
NHS Pay Campaign
In line with many other UNISON Branches in Scotland, Highland Healthcare is planning a demonstration at the Board's
Annual Review to show the strength of feeling about the imposition of the 1% public sector pay cap - which has been in place for a number of years, and has not yet been scrapped by the government in
either Holyrood or Westminster. This is despite increasing and well-publicised problems around living standards for public sector workers, and the impact on attracting and retaining sufficient
staff in the NHS (and, in Highland, in social care, given our integrated model) to ensure that safe services can be provided in the context of increasing demand and demographic
The annual review this year is in Aviemore. The demonstration will be held on
Thursday 31 August at 9.00 am at Macdonald Highland resort. We are also intending to ensure that a question is put to the Minister/Cabinet Secretary (depending on who is attending for
the annual review from the government) at the public meeting in the afternoon.
We would like as many members as possible to attend the demonstration. If there is sufficient take-up,
transport can be organised from Inverness, or from elsewhere.
Therefore if you are planning to attend, please could you advise the UNISON Office (tel 01463 715891, email, indicating where you are coming from and whether you would like transport, or
could offer a lift to a fellow member.
There will also be a national demonstration taking place in October, and we will advise on this as soon as details
are available.
Finally, we hope you will have seen and signed a 'Scrap the Cap' postcard - UNISON's campaign to gather signatures
from NHS workers and the general public, which will be presented to the Cabinet Secretary at the national demonstration. If not, please speak to your local rep, or contact the UNISON
Office. We will also take along a good supply of the postcards to our local demonstration in Aviemore.
Added 2 June 2017
Win £50 of vouchers with one email!
To ensure that we can represent you as well as possible, we need to have up to date details for our members. So we are offering a chance to win £50 of vouchers of your choice to all members who send an email stating their name, workplace, employer and home address to As sending out letters by post is expensive and uses money we could be using to fight for your T&Cs, please note that you are agreeing for us to use your email address for future communications. The draw will close on 31 July and the winner will be picked on 1 August.
Added 26 May 2017
Added 25 April 2017
Who lives and who dies at work is not an accident of chance – it is due to social class and economic inequality,
Compounded by discrimination based on sex, gender, race/ethnic origin, sexuality, faith and disability
On Friday 28 April, International Workers Memorial Day, millions of trade unionists, families and campaigners will gather all over the world at thousands of events to remember all the people killed at or by work, in incidents or from illnesses. Globally this comes to millions of people killed by work every year (many more injured and made ill): every 15 seconds someone is killed by a work incident or illness. Almost all of their deaths were completely preventable. In Great Britain around 1,200 are killed in work-related incidents and 50,000 die from work-related illnesses. Around 300 workers take their own lives due to the stress of low pay, insecurity, excessive workloads and long hours.
Face it. Unfair workplaces are a pain. Only Unions can make it better. We want good health and safety for all workers whoever they are.
Click on link below for more info
Janette McQuiston
Branch Secretary
UNISON Highland Healthcare Branch
Tel no 01463 715 891
Added 20/4/17
Nursing Statutory Minimum Staffing levels
Please find details and booking details for consultation events on Scottish Government plans to deliver safe and efficient staffing levels.
UNISON's Nursing Sector Committee will also devote time to developing the UNISON response.
If you are interested in attending one of these events, please contact the Branch
9th May – Grand Central Hotel - Glasgow
15th May – CoSLA Haymarket Terrace - Edinburgh
5th June –Inverness – venue to be confirmed (timings possibly 1.00 – 3.00pm)
27th June – The Curl - Aberdeen
Added 20/4/17
UNISON members are electing the union’s national executive council – here are some key reasons why you should use your vote and return the ballot paper
Are you a UNISON member? You can vote for our national executive council between 3 April and 28 April.
Lost your ballot paper? Call 0800 0 857 857
But why should you? Here are five reasons to use your vote.
1. The NEC makes decisions that affect your life and the lives of many ordinary working people.
It is the senior decision-making body of UNISON and direct the union’s policy and campaign priorities. As your elected representatives, its members use their judgement to take important decisions on, for example, pay negotiations and industrial action.
Whose judgement do you trust? Who do you think will best represent you? Make sure you find out and vote.
2. It champions public services.
Last year, the NEC supported campaigns that got the public behind public services. Considering the government’s austerity agenda, this work is vital.
The NHS, education, local councils and other services need UNISON to stand up for them. The NEC makes sure our public service agenda is prioritised.
3. The NEC ensures UNISON continues to be a member-led organisation.
Unions have accountable, democratic structures that give them the mandate to campaign for working people. Participation is the bedrock of any union.
The late Tony Benn once asked five questions of power.
We’d be able to answer Tony.
So make sure you use your vote in 2017 and participate in our proud, democratic tradition.
4. The NEC’s structure ensures minority voices are heard.
There are seats reserved for Black members, disabled members and young members.
This ensures UNISON is an inclusive organisation, where all voices are encouraged and represented.
5. UNISON rules mean the make-up of the NEC fairly represents the wider union.
Since women make up two thirds of our membership, two-thirds of the seats on the NEC are reserved for women and 13 seats are reserved for low-paid women.
Considering women are not proportionally represented in Parliament or on company boards, we should be proud that the NEC is leading the way.
The NEC election is your chance to make sure your voice is heard. Ir makes important decisions, which affect the lives of many low paid workers and our public services.
All members are eligible to elect candidates to represent their region and their service group.
It’s a postal vote and ballot papers have been sent to you. Voting is open from 3 April to 28 April.
A helpline at 0800 0 857 857 is open from 11 April to 25 April for any queries or in case you don’t receive your ballot paper.
Find out more at
Added 27/2/17
Don't forget it's AGM season coming up! See our Facebook page under "Events" for details. You should also have received a letter, plus will be getting an email reminder if you are signed up to receive UNISON emails.
iMatter staff engagement in NHS Highland -
Hi, briefly, the stage we’re at with the various parts of the organisation is as follows:
• N&W – electronic questionnaire live up to end of today; paper questionnaire closes in 2 weeks...
• S&M – questionnaire closed. 58% response rate. Action plans due by 3 March.
• Raigmore – going again as a single cohort, in September. Lots of promotional/training work to be done before then.
• Corporate – going again in June
• A&B – going for first time (all staff incl social care) in June. Again, lots to do before that.
We are being challenged as a staffside to do whatever we can to promote/support responses, completion of action plans, and implementation of actions.
Anything you can think of, please let us know!
Added 11/1/17
Letter published by the Inverness Courier on Friday 6 January re NHS and agency staff:
I was interested in the view of one of your correspondents that "If the NHS banned all staff from taking agency work this would resolve this serious issue overnight".
One of the things that I have learned from nearly 30 years working within the NHS is that what may appear to be a simple straightforward solution is rarely the answer to a problem (see also Ragmore car parking...).
We'll leave aside the fact that we are not living in Stalin's Russia or Castro's Cuba, where the idea of "banning" people from seeking work which they are trained for, wherever they choose to seek it, might seem reasonable.
NHS Highland could, of course, choose to not use any locum or agency staff. Far from "resolving this issue overnight" though, what would happen overnight is a whole range of undesirable effects. For example, operations would be cancelled, wards might be closed, and patients would have to travel long distances to receive the treatment/procedures that they needed, from other NHS (or indeed private) providers. None of these would be cheap, or in any way popular with patients and communities.
The NHS does not use locum and agency staff lightly - they are often the most expensive option, and therefore the last resort. However, in many specialised services demand exceeds supply for such staff. Also NHS Highland has particular challenges in attracting staff to work in our more remote/rural communities (and incidentally, seeking to place additional restrictions on staff is not likely to be a way to attract more new people to our area).
In Highland, as elsewhere, the workforce is ageing, and at the same time there are increasing demands on services, due for example to the increase in the population of older people, and also increasing demands/expectations from patients and communities. The nature of work is changing, and staff and indeed communities no longer accept ways of running services which may have worked in the past. There are also very significant financial challenges, and all kinds of uncertainty around the effects of Brexit.
So what can be done to make services sustainable going forward? Well, it's complicated...
One of the things we need to do, as a country, is train more new staff. This in itself is not easy. It takes 3 years to train a new qualified nurse. And of course others in more specialist roles take much longer. It's also worth pointing out that the government is currently considering removing the (small) bursary paid to student nurses. Now do you think, if that happens, this will encourage more people (perhaps as a mature student) to train for 3 years to become a nurse?
We need to redesign services, so we make best use of staff skills, talents and qualifications which staff (and potential staff) have. We need to fully involve staff (and communities) in these changes. It's likely that this will not be straightforward or (sometimes) popular (for a recent example see Caithness maternity services). We need to accept that we can no longer do things in the way that we always have.
We need to develop new roles (for example, Physicians Assistants and Advanced Nurse Practitioners). We need to recruit, develop and support staff to enable them to take on these new roles.
We need to recruit more young people, perhaps in appropriate entry-level jobs in the NHS, through means such as Modern Apprenticeships. Again though, it takes time (and indeed resources) to do this.
We need to change the way that communities can be more self-sustaining, and look at other models of support outwith more conventional NHS services, such as first responders and increased use of technology in telehealth and telecare.
Finally we need to "sell" NHS Highland as a place to work, where new staff are welcomed into workplaces and communities, have opportunities to bring, or raise, their families, and are supported to develop their NHS careers.
So, let's all try and start 2017 on a positive note, recognising that this is a complex issue, which we can all play our part in, to redevelop our NHS as a service fit for the challenges and opportunities now facing us.
Adam Palmer
UNISON Highland Healthcare Branch Communications Officer
You may be able to claim tax relief on the cost of:
You can’t claim relief on the initial cost of buying small tools or clothing for work.
If you need to buy other equipment to use in your job, you can claim capital allowances instead.
You can either claim:
Flat rate deductions are set amounts that HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has agreed are typically spent each year by employees in different occupations.
If your occupation isn’t listed, you may still be able to claim a standard annual amount of £60 in tax relief.
You don’t need to keep records of what you’ve paid for if you claim a flat rate deduction.
With rising fuel costs and another cold winter looming, many members are worried about how they’re going to pay this year’s winter fuel bills.
There for You, UNISON’s own charity has set up a limited fund to help UNISON members on low income by way of a one-off payment of £50 per household.
To apply download the forms (link below) or simply contact your UNISON branch office.
Completed applications need to be sent to There for You, UNISON Centre, 130 Euston Road, London, NW1 2AY, to be received by Friday 17 February at the latest.
Forthcoming UNISON led courses:
Mental Health Awareness 1 day workshop (The Open University)
What the day covers
Mental health issues
Perception of mental health
Experiencing mental health problems
Type of mental health problems
Anxiety, Depression, Suicide and self harm, Bipolar disorder, Schizophrenia, Personality disorders, Eating disorders
Legal considerations
What can individuals do
Medication and treatment
Useful organisations and signposting
28 November - Inverness
6 March – Fort William
7 March – Lochgilphead
22 May – Portree
Emergency First Aid at Work (1 day course - accredited)
20 January - Inverness
24 January - Oban
25 January – Dunoon
26 January – Inverness
Managing Challenging Behaviours at Work 1 day workshop
1 February - Inverness
Alcohol Brief Interventions (NHS Highland) – half day workshop
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
Open a conversation about alcohol with an individual
Motivate the individual to change their drinking behaviour and explore strategies to reduce consumption and alcohol-related harm
Close the conversation and know how to signpost or refer individuals on to other services, if appropriate.
8 February – Inverness
Digital skills half day workshops - anywhere in the Highlands and Islands (subject to sufficient demand):
o using a tablet;
o searching for information;
o instant messaging, emails, video calls; Skype
o buying and selling;
o booking your travel;
o managing your bank account;
o setting up and managing a Universal Credit account;
o creating a text document such as a CV;
o creating and sharing a photo album.
If you wish to attend any of the above courses please contact:
Regional Learning and Development Organiser
53 Shore Street
Direct dial: 01463 723968
Mobile: 07950889765
World AIDS Day 2016
On December 1st 2016 the world will come together to show support for world AIDS day.
We have come far since the aids Crisis emerged, since then with medical advances HIV doesn’t mean your life has to be put on hold. In fact, it shouldn’t stand in your way of having a long healthy life.
More people than ever are living with HIV in the UK, like many other services these are been cut and the stigma surrounding HIV is still deeply entrenched, and according to Terrance Higgins Trust we are seeing the first generation growing old with HIV, so we can’t stop now.
As LGBT officer, I ask staff/members if they wish, to wear a Red Ribbon on Thursday 1st December to show support. The easiest way to get your hands on a red ribbon is to Text RIBBON to 70707 to donate £1 to Terrence Higgins Trust and get your free red ribbon. Once you've text, they will contact you by phone and SMS to arrange delivery of your ribbon and tell you a bit more about their work, this is through the Terrence Higgins trust, and not UNISON, they are also holding fundraising events at Dundee and Glasgow, for further details visit
Also between the 19th and 25th November its National HIV testing week, you can get tested for free throughout the UK or even get a free testing kit posted to complete at Home, this information is available on the Terrence Higgins Trust website or visiting
Terrence Higgins Trust this year’s theme for world AIDS Day is it’s not over yet(#itsnotover)
UNISON Highland Healthcare Branch is proud to show support for World AIDS Day
Dereck Rutter
LGBT Officer/Rep
NHS struggling to keep up with rising demand and cost pressures
A combination of increasing costs, staffing pressures and unprecedented savings targets mean that Scotland's NHS boards are finding it difficult to balance demand for hospital care with investing in community-based services to meet future need.
Audit Scotland's annual review of the financial health and performance of the NHS in Scotland recognises there have been improvements over time, such as increasing patient safety and reducing waiting times for hospital treatment.
The total health budget in 2015/16 was £12.2 billion. Although this increased by 2.7 per cent in real terms from the previous year, NHS spending is not keeping pace with increasing demand, rising costs and the needs of a growing and ageing population. This strengthens the case for changing the way services are delivered.
NHS boards struggled to achieve financial balance in 2015/16, and many used short-term measures to break even. Overall, NHS Scotland failed to meet seven out of eight key performance targets, though one of these was missed by a very small margin.
The report highlights a number of other significant challenges for the NHS, including:
Increasing spending on drugs;
The need for NHS boards to make unprecedented levels of savings in 2016/17, and a risk that some will not achieve financial balance;
An ageing NHS workforce and difficulties in recruiting and retaining staff in some areas;
Increasing spending by boards on temporary staff;
A lack of workforce planning for new models of care to deliver more community-based services.
While the Scottish Government has published several strategies for reducing the use of hospitals and supporting more people in the community, most spending is still on hospital and other institutional-based care.
Caroline Gardner, Auditor General for Scotland, said: "Major challenges lie ahead for the NHS in Scotland. There are growing pressures on health boards which are struggling to juggle service delivery and progressing major reform whilst also managing considerable financial challenges.
"The Scottish Government has had a policy to shift the balance of care for over a decade but despite multiple strategies for reform, NHS funding has not changed course. Before that shift can occur, there needs to be a clear and detailed plan for change, setting out what the future of the NHS looks like, what it will cost to deliver and the workforce numbers and skills needed to make it a reality."
Audit Scotland has made several recommendations in today's report to support the Scottish Government and NHS boards implementing improvements.
For further information contact Kirsty Gibbins on 0131 625 1658 or
Band 1 review latest (28/10/16):
So far, 131 people have signed up to a new band 2 job description and higher pay!
keep up with developments through our Facebook page:
Forthcoming UNISON led courses:
Emergency First Aid at Work - 1 day / Inverness & Dunoon
Discussing Drugs & Alcohol with young people – half day / Inverness
Alcohol misuse – Awareness seminar – half day / Inverness
Mental Health Awareness – 1 day / Fort William
Digital skills/Anywhere in the Highlands and Islands (subject to sufficient demand).
Half day workshops:
o using a tablet;
o searching for information;
o instant messaging, emails, video calls; Skype
o buying and selling;
o booking your travel;
o managing your bank account;
o setting up and managing a Universal Credit account;
o creating a text document such as a CV;
o creating and sharing a photo album.
If you wish to attend any of the above courses please contact:
Regional Learning and Development Organiser
53 Shore Street
Direct dial: 01463 723968
Mobile: 07950889765
UNISON Scotland Launches new Duty of Care App:
UNISON recognises that nursing staff are, at times, working under extreme situations. Despite securing significant investment in some areas, UNISON continues to share the concerns of our nursing and midwifery members across Scotland who continue to tell us that they are expected to: work through breaks, after hours or in a way that leaves them vulnerable to accusations that they are not providing appropriate care to patients.
In our 2016 survey of nursing and midwifery members:
UNISON has developed the Duty of Care app as a direct response to the concerns raised by many UNISON members who are worried they may be putting patient care and/or their own registration at risk. We want you to report the challenges you face, whether it is:
UNISON wants to help you raise your concerns and to support you to secure a better workplace environment with higher standards of patient care. By using our app, your concerns will go direct to UNISON and your local Director of Nursing.
Download UNISON Scotland’s FREE Duty of Care app for Android and iPhone
Follow the link below:
Band 1 review
Briefly, there are major updates from the project team 13 September 2016.
So far, there are 6 job descriptions through at Band 2, including a domestic one, a portering one, and a laundry one (in particular at Raigmore).
There are 14 other job descriptions in the immediate pipeline.
Discussions are now taking place with groups of staff (I was at the Laundry this morning) with a view to consulting them about moving them on to the new JDs. To follow will be individual letters to members of staff, offering them a new JD and a move to band 2. They will be encouraged to accept, but offered a 1:1 meeting if they have concerns/queries etc. Some services I think are going to do 1:1 meetings with all, anyway. There will be a standard “script” for this.
Another issue of the newsletter is shortly to go to staff.
So it’s good news, there is significant progress, and staff will be hearing more very soon.